joi, 21 mai 2009

Teen rooms from Zalf

The Italians from Zalf are renowned for their modern furniture, but today we laid our eyes on their latest teen room designs. With bold lines and vibrant colours, the rooms suit as great inspiration for anyone trying to redecorate the kids room or are looking for furniture that suits a teenager . They all come with contemporary furnishings, have an eye for details and look stylish enough for an adolescent to love its own space. I wish I had one of these bedrooms when I was a kid. Like it?

Mirror mirror on the...drawers?!

If by now you had a mirror in the bedroom to check your t-shirt or the new skirt you bought last week, the Italian furniture manufacturers from Porada have taken it to a whole new level. A special collection of stylish drawers and bedside table have now become shinny by being covered with mirrors.

One stunning swedish apartment

Gorgeous is simply an understatement

How to...accesorize

How to accesorize a living room,keep vases and flower arrangements low between conversations spaces, utilize old books, trays and antiques to add interest on a coffee table and incorporate architectural elements for contrasting shapes. Use items around the house to accessorize a living room with tips from a professional interior decorator in this free video on home decor.

10 tips about Feng Shui

Inainte de orice definitie, teorie sau presupunere, Feng Shui este un stil de viata care difera cu mult peste ceea ce noi traim astazi. El reprezinta o alternativa, o posibilitate de a constientiza ca de fapt viata nu inseamna doar a robi de dimineata pana seara, ca duminica este o zi sfanta, de odihna si relaxare, ca merita sa traiesti sufleteste mult mai bine decat ai facut-o pana acum.

miercuri, 20 mai 2009

Stilish ceramic

ceramic boots by Maxim Velčovsk .Watch

luni, 18 mai 2009

Start decorating

So you are decorating your home and have no idea what to do or how to do it, where to start or what direction you should go. Guess what? You are not alone! And I am here to help. Make your dream-home more a home than a dream!
